The Top 5 Benefits of a Tag Management System

Utilizing a tag management system is very common practice today. If you’re new to the industry or just trying to understand why using a TMS is a good move, read on.


1. Increased Marketing Agility

Having to wait for overloaded IT staff to deploy vendor tags results in more agitation and less efficient work.

The benefit of a TMS is that digital marketers are able to launch vendor campaigns much more efficiently, helping to optimize the results quicker. And in today’s world where analytics roles are forming their own teams, tag management simply gives them greater control over what they’re deploying.

Due to the simplicity of a TMS, web analytics professionals can also change variables in the code instantly without having to wait through IT availability cycles.

This new-found productivity results in increased marketing agility and a more cohesive work environment.


2. Reduced Costs

A second benefit of a TMS is that costs are reduced while productivity is increased.

Even though the accounting costs of using a TMS are greater than when tagging manually, the economic costs are lower because the productivity trade-off makes it well worth the money.

With a TMS, less hours are spent manually sorting through tags, and are instead used in more productive, profitable situations.


3. Sturdy and Stable

Tags can take hundreds of lines of code, which can become messy and usually cause problems later on.

A TMS helps get rid of the clutter and provides a solid infrastructure for your tags. This means that tags will not randomly break or just stop working.


4. Increased Data Accuracy

If you can’t trust your data, there is no real point to gathering it in the first place.

A TMS allows you to ensure data quality, and be able to trust all the data coming in.

With trustworthy data, you can make smarter business decisions and know you are heading in the right direction.


5. Faster Performance

Without a TMS, faulty tags often slow page load times and overall performance because the browser has to read and run hundreds of lines of code to initiate the tags.

A TMS can help you by deploying tags only when certain criteria have been met.

This can shave precious time off of a loading page, which results in a better user experience.

Another benefit is that a TMS allows asynchronous tag deployment.

This means that your tags can load and fire at the same time the page elements load, without slowing down anything visible to the user.

Overall, your performance is greatly enhanced with the use of a TMS.


Your Next Tag Management Steps

There are tag management solutions available, some with broad uses and others for specific technologies (such as advertising or video) depending on your individual needs.

To get a better idea of how to implement and optimize your TMS strategy, check out this blog post: 7 Best Practices for Building Your Tag Management Strategy

To take your governance of tags one step further, you should invest in a tag governance solution. Learn more about tag governance.

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